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Explore the classroom for your tastebuds. Farmers markets empower kids to make healthy choices, feeding a hunger for knowledge about where our food comes from, and inspiring love of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Change

What gets kids excited about fresh fruits and veggies? Discovering them for themselves!

Change Maker: Third-grade students, Foodwise Kids


The Foodwise Kids field trip program uses the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market as a classroom to empower the next generation of healthy eaters. Elementary school students learn about California’s growing seasons and whet their appetites tasting produce that might be unfamiliar. They are urged to engage their five senses and keep an open mind as they encounter new foods (“Don’t ‘yuck’ my ‘yum’!”). The students then gather in teams to explore the market and select produce for a cooking class, meeting farmers along the way. Equipped with newfound knowledge and their fresh market finds, the children prepare a salad or snack to share with their classmates and teachers.

Families and educators work together to raise foodwise kids. Feeding kids’ love of fruits and vegetables nurtures their awareness of their role in a sustainable food system, and helps them develop food habits to nourish themselves and the earth for years to come.



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The Food Change is a project of Foodwise | 1 Ferry Building, Suite 250 | San Francisco, CA 94111 | 415.291.3276

© 2022 Foodwise Community, © 2019 by CUESA | Photography by Anne Hamersky

For permissions or media requests, contact us.

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